New Here?

Welcome to Crosspoint

Crosspoint Church is a vibrant, growing community of faith.
We believe churches should be hospitals, not country clubs. We invite you to come exactly as you are and experience the life-change that is happening here!

On Sunday mornings, we offer adult worship services with live worship and dynamic teaching at 4 service times: 8:30a, 10a, 11:30a & 1p.

Our Children's Ministry is also available during all 3 service times for kiddos birth-fifth grade.
Learn more about all of our NextGen Ministries on the Ministries Tab.


8:30AM | 10:00AM | 11:30AM | 1:00PM

What to Expect
What to Expect

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning service is the most important event we have. Our team works hard to create a genuine, exciting worship service that is welcoming, engaging, and relevant. Everything we do on Sunday is designed with you in mind.


A Place to Belong

Everyone is looking for kind people, a comfortable seat, and a good cup of coffee. That is what our team does for our guests as Crosspoint.  We welcome and accept people and put them at ease so they can focus on encountering God in a real way. We don’t care what you look like, how you dress, or where you came from… we just want you here!

Plan Your Visit
Plan Your Visit

Is there anything worse than showing up to a new place and not knowing where to go?

Bringing kiddos? We want to make checking in easier than getting them up, getting them ready and getting them to church on a Sunday!

Enter on the west side of the building (closest to Anderson Snow Rd.)

Pro Tip: Click HERE to pre-register your kiddos to save time on Sunday!


No kiddos? No problem!

Head to the east side of the building (near the carport) and you’ll quickly find a friendly face, a warm cup of coffee and we’ll help you find a great seat!